Housing Board of Commissioners
- Eldred Corbine
- Mary Kaulaity
- Suzette Mayotte
- Peter Powless
- Alan Pero Sr.
- Robert Houle
- LeeAnn Rosin
2nd Tuesday of the Month Meets At the Bad River Housing Authority
Contact: Jennifer Toribio-Warren, BRHA Director
715-682-2271 (x1668)
Health Board
- Frank Connors Jr. (Chair)
- Mary Lou Salawater (Vice Chair)
- Ben Connors Sr. (Secretary)
- Lenore Plucinski
- Esie Leoso-Corbine
- Karen Wolfe
- Dave D’Acquisto
Board meets the last Tuesday of the Month
At the Bad River Health & Wellness Center
Contact: Randy Samuelson, Clinic Administrator
715-682-7133 (x4801)
Police Commission Board
- Sue Houle (Chair)
- Annie Houle (Secretary)
- Jim Stone
- Gena Jensen
- Christina Dzwonkowski
Commission meets 1st Monday of the month
Contact: 715-682-7111
Elderly Advisory Board
- Carole Kraft (Chair)
- Bea Moore-Reas (Vice Chair)
- Mary Lou Salawater (Treasurer)
- Michele Davis (Secretary)
- Sandy Kolodziejski
- Bill Roundwind
- Loretta Livingston
- Vacant
Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month
Contact: Jean Hahn-Thomas, Elderly Director 715-682-7150 Ext. 1495
Community Development Corporation Board
- Ken Arbuckle Sr.
- Charles Connors Sr.
Monthly and as called
At the Casino Convention Center
Contact: Brian Mayotte, CEO of the Community Development Corporation – 715-682-7111 (x1321)