
Education Committee


  • Ben Connors Sr.
  • Dawn O’Connor
  • Dan Soulier
  • Dawn O’Connor
  • Shawnee Ford
  • Samantha Kappeler
  • Pauline Lemieux
  • Vacant


2nd Wednesday of the month @ 5:00pm
At the Cultural Education Center

Contact: Stephanie Julian, Education Director
715-682-7111 (x1530 or 1533)

By Laws

Judgement Fund Committee

  • Jody Bigboy-Lowmaster (C)
  • Joyce Lemieux (VC)
  • Lori Powless
  • Simon Maday
  • Bridgette Bigboy
  • Robert Blanchard
  • Opening
  • Alternate 1 – Open
  • Alternate 2 – Open
  • Nora White Buffalo – Acct. Liaison
  • Loretta Livingston – Coordinator


3rd Wednesday of the Month
At the Transit Office

Contact: Jody Bigboy-Lowmaster
715-682-7111 (x1511)
Loretta Livingston

By Laws

Membership Committee

  • LeeAnn Rosin (C)
  • Samantha Kappeler (VC)
  • Lynn Wiggins (Secretary)
  • Prisscilla Dax (Researcher)
  • Nancy Wrazidlo (Researcher)
  • Rayonah Hill (Researcher)
  • Barbara Stone (Researcher)


1st Tuesday of the Month
At the Enrollment Office in the Chief Blackbird Center

Contact: Theresa Couture, Enrollment Clerk
715-682-7111 (x1525)

By Laws

Pow Wow Committee

  • Katie Deloney
  • Nate Ante
  • Luanne Salawater
  • Marcene Jennings
  • Dorene Maday
  • Shawnee Ford
  • Lisa Whitebird



Contact: 715-682-7111

Repatriation Committee

Historic Preservation Review Board

  • Stephanie Julian (Chair)
  • Carole Livingston (Vice Chair)
  • Esie Leoso-Corbine (Secretary)
  • Lorrie Salawater
  • Luanne Salawater


Contact: Lawrence Plucinski, THPO/NAGRPA Director
715-682-7123 (x1662)

By Laws

HS/EHS Parent Policy Council

Head Start and Early Head Start

  • Corrine Wherley (Pres.)
  • Taylor Rosin (VP)
  • Lisa Wrazidlo (Secretary)
  • Kelly Shaggy
  • Anthony Wherley
  • Russ Stone
  • Anne Rosin (Community Reprsentative)


Varying Thursdays of the month
At the Head Start Building

Contact: Head Start Building @ 715-682-7144

By Laws

Wild Rice Committee

  • Myron Burns
  • Charles Connors Sr.
  • Megan Powless
  • Hilary (Junie) Butler
  • Ken (Basher) Couture


As Called at the Hatchery & Kakagon Sloughs

Contact: Dan Powless Sr.
715-682-7111 (x1661)

By Laws

Drug Task Force

  • Robert Blanchard, Task Force Chairman
  • , Bad River Social & Family Services Director
  • , Bad River Housing Director
  • , Health & Wellness Director
  • Robert Houle, Assistant Health & Wellness Director
  • Stephanie Julian, Bad River Education Director
  • Vacant, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Supervisor
  • Vacant, Community Tribal Member
  • , IAS


It is for the future generations that we commit our efforts to restore the mind, body, and spirit from the opioid destruction through cultural healing, collaboration, and change.


The Bad River people believe that preparing our Nation for the 8th fire is sustaining a healthy environment that will lead to healthy people.


Every other Tuesday from 1:15p-3:00p

At the Bad River Health & Wellness Center Maple Room

Contact: Bad River AODA/Behavioral Health Program