Private On-site Waste Treatment Systems (POWTS)


ProgramTitleContactEmailOffice PhoneExtensionFax
Natural ResourcesPOWTS InspectorEugene Bigboy Jr.POWTS@badriver-nsn.gov715-682-71231663715-682-7118

The Bad River POWTS (Private Wastewater Treatment System) is a BR Tribal program that provides funding to eligible Bad River tribal members that are building a new home or setting up a trailer that need water and sewer services.  It is a IHS funded program and will serve tribal members who plan to live on or off the Bad River Reservation.

For more information and to obtain an application you can call our POWTS officer’s work phone at 715-685-8727 or e-mail me at or stop by. Our office is located in the NR Department, Chief Blackbird Center. Office hours are M-F, 8:00am.- 4:30 pm.

Gene “Squeak” Bigboy

BR POWTS Manager/Inspector