Tribal Court Code

of the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians


We, the people of the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians establish this Tribal Court Code of the Band, (1) to protect the peace and order of all persons within the territorial boundaries of the Bad River Reservation; (2) to protect the natural resources and beauty of the Reservation; (3) to protect the cultural traditions, customs, land base and human resources of the Band; and (4) to preserve the life ways and natural resources of the Band for future generations so that they may have the benefits that are rightfully theirs to enjoy and keep; (5) to assure the perpetual existence of the Band; and (6) to exercise the inherent sovereign powers of the Band. To accomplish these goals it is necessary that those that violate the code of the Band be punished as necessary and that disputes arising within the jurisdiction of the Band be resolved both according to the customs, laws and process of the Band itself. Further, the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians intend with this code to set out a structure and procedures for the establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive judicial system; to deal fairly and equitably with all individuals; to justly administer all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.

PreambleFamily CodesConservation CodesMiscellaneous CodesContract & Procurement

101 General Provisions
115 Subpoenas201 Powers of Tribal Wardens326 Commercial Fishing in the Western
920 Code of Conduct 
102 Definitions
125 Children’s Code300 Conservation; General Provisions331 Resident Non-Member Indian PermitsWorkers Compensation
103 Establishment and Duties126 Marriage301 Hunting of Deer340 Sloughs Protection Ordinance1100 Workers Compensation
104 Judges127 Dissolution of Marriage302 Taking of Walleye350 Boat RegistrationEconomic Regulation [For Profit]
105 Civil Procedures129 Visitation Rights for Grandparents and Others303 Harvesting of Wild Rice351 Snowmobile Registration1200 Charter of Economic Organizations [Reserved]
106 Jurisdiction
130 Name Changes304 Trapping Ordinance352 All Terrain Vehicle Registration1300 Charter of Non-profit Economic Organizations
107 Clerk of Court131 Foster Home Licensing305 TaggingLease and Land Use1500 Motor Vehicle Licensing
108 Prosecutor134 Curfew306 Moose403 Tribal LeasesFireworks
109 Court Records135 Truancy310 Closed Fishing Season_ Interim Land Use Control1600 Regulation and Use of Fireworks
110 Complaint and Answers
145 Domestic & Family Violence Code315 Setting of Nets405 Bad River Utilities
Repatriation Committee
111 ServiceRules of Evidence320 Closed Deer Season450 Leasehold Mortgage Regulations1700 Establishment of a Repatriation Committee
112 Judgment
150 General
325 Commercial Fishing GamingBuilding Code Compliance Ordinance No: RI-1-66
113 Initial Appearance151 Relevancy326 Commercial Fishing in the Western500 Gaming Control OrdinanceTribal Housing Ordinance
114 Enforcement of Court Orders152 Privileges
Michigan Waters of Lake Superior
116 Criminal Procedures153 Witnesses327 Commercial Fishing Vessel601 Membership
117 Parties to a Violation154 Writings
Safety Regulations
118 Juveniles155 Hearsay327 Sloughs Protection Ordinance701 Cigarettes
119 Reserved128 Adult Guardianship330 Regulation of Members AssistingTraffic Safety
120 Seizures156 Judicial Notice
Exclusion and Removal
1400 Regulation of Traffic and Control of Parking Areas On the Bad River Reservation
121 Appeal ProcedureSafety Standards and Usage Operation
800 Exclusion and Removal of Non-Members from the Bad River Reservation
Public Safety
122 Small Claims Procedure360 Dog Control RegulationsHiring Ordinance1000 Establishment And Operation of Bad River Tribe Police Commission
123 Civil Remedial Forfeitures375 Solid Waste Recycling and Disposal900 Hiring by Contractors is Restricted1000 Winter Parking Ordinance
124 Landlord/Tenant Relations376 Open Burning, Burning Barrels

In the meantime, please click on the red button above to open the full Tribal Court Code PDF.

We’re working on making the codes easily accessible on our website.


Chapter 101 – General Provisions

Chapter 102 – Definitions

Chapter 103 – Establishment and Duties

Chapter 104 – Judges

Chapter 105 – Civil Procedures

Chapter 106 – Jurisdiction

Chapter 107 – Clerk of Court

Chapter 108 – Prosecutor